The Early Career Researcher (ECR) Award is designed to recognize scientists in the initial stages of their independent research position. The research position should be based at academic institutions or affiliated with academic institutions (adjunct faculty). To be considered for the award, the applicant must be in the first 5 years of their first faculty appointment, a current member of CSV, and plan to attend the upcoming CSV symposium. Please note that career interruptions can extend ECR status.
The ECR award is chiefly evaluated based on the applicant’s CV, past contributions, and potential for future research success. To apply for this award, please send your full CV and a 1-page cover letter outlining how your past contributions leverage future success to cansocvirol@gmail.com by April 15th, 2024.
The Mentor award for Mid-Career Investigators (MCI) will acknowledge outstanding mentorship shown by an MCI. To be eligible, the investigator must have been an independent researcher for >5 years and <15 years, a full-time faculty or affiliated faculty at a research academic institution, and a current member of the CSV. The investigator is to be nominated by former or current trainees.
To be considered for the award, trainees are to send a nomination of the mentor to cansocvirol@gmail.com by April 15th, 2024. The nomination should include a letter (maximum of 2 pages) detailing why the mentor has had exceptional influence on the trainees’ career and why the mentor is deserving of the award. The letter should also include details such as the length of time the nominator/s has/have known the mentor, papers or abstracts published with the mentee, and the length of time the mentor has been in their current position. Each application package can include a maximum of 3 letters.
The Mentor award for Senior Investigator will acknowledge outstanding mentorship shown by a Senior Investigator towards Early Career Investigators (ECI). A Senior Investigator is defined as a researcher having more than 15 years in an academic research appointment. Faculty at research intensive academic institutions or affiliated with such institutions are eligible
To be considered, the nominating mentees are to send a nomination of their former mentor to cansocvirol@gmail.com by April 15th, 2024. The nomination should include a cover letter (maximum of 2 pages detailing why the mentor has had exceptional influence on the mentees’ career and why they are deserving of the award). The letter should also include details such as the length of time the nominator/s has/have known the mentor, and the length of time the mentor has been in their current position. Each application package can include a total of 3 letters.
The Research Excellence Award was created to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of a Canadian Virologist to the national and international research community. The contributions should be substantial to the researcher’s specific sub- field with broader impact on the virology field as a whole. Decisions will be based on: Candidate CV, career summary, and impact of contributions to the field.
Applications should be sent to cansocvirol@gmail.com by April 15th, 2024. Applications should include a two-page summary of career research achievements and a complete CV. Letters of support/nomination from experts in the field are encouraged.
The Grandvaux-McCormick Award was created to honour the founders of the CSV by acknowledging an individual who has made outstanding contributions of service to the Canadian virology research community. Relevant service could include leadership activities, peer review activities, government/policy advising, creation and hosting of symposia or knowledge translation activities, community outreach and science communication activities, or service on CSV committees.
Nominations should be sent to cansocvirol@gmail.com by April 15th, 2024. The nomination should include a cover letter (maximum of 2 pages detailing how this individual is deserving of the award). Each application package can include a total of 3 letters.